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the free medical journals
Over the next few years, many important medical journals will be available online, free and in full-text. The access to free scientific knowledge will have a major impact on medical practice and attract Internet visitors to these journals. Journals that restrict access to their Web sites will lose popularity.
url : http://www.freemedicaljournals.com/ 

AIDS Reviews
AIDS Reviews is published quarterly, and covers timely and important topics on the different areas of HIV/AIDS including clinical aspects, therapy, drug resistance, vaccines, virology, evolution, immunology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, epidemiology, opportunistic infections, and prevention.
url : http://www.aidsreviews.com/indice.html 

Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research
The Official Journal of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism.
url : http://www.alcoholism-cer.com 

British Medical Journal
This site launched in May 1995 and contains the full text of all articles published in the weekly BMJ since January 1994. In addition, it contains material that is unique to the website. Currently access to the entire site is free.
url : http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/ 

Discovery Magazine
Rivista scientifica on-line
url : http://www.discover.com/ 

Rivista scientifica inglese
url : http://www.nature.com/nature 

NewScientist Magazine
Rivista Scientifica on-line
url : http://www.newscientist.com 

The Lancet
È una rivista biomedica on-line pubblicata dal gruppo Lancet.
url : http://www.thelancet.com 

1 ] 
Primo Piano

Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

- Prevention Strategy and Policy Makers (IT, EN, FRA, ESP, ARAB, RUS)
- Principi generali della posizione italiana contro l’uso di droghe (IT, EN)
- Accordo di collaborazione scientifica Italia-USA (IT, EN)
- Dichiarazione DPA collaborazioni scientifiche internazionali (IT, EN)

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- Alcohol and drug terms - WHO
- Terminology & information - UNODC


Oggi i giornali parlano di droga

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