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A-Clinic Foundation
The largest substance abuse treatment and prevention organisation in Finland.
url : http://www.a-klinikka.fi/english
Gives details on individual projects, research and development, training courses, articles from FOCUS, and access to networks.
url : http://www.addaction.org.uk/
Coordinamento Radicale
Sito del Coordinamento Radicale Antiproibizionista. Questo lo slogan del sito: “LE DROGHE CHE CORRONO LIBERE PER IL MONDO... le droghe del denaro sporco e delle mafie, delle rapine e degli scippi, del libero spaccio e della morte, dell'overdose e dell'aids, sono le droghe proibite. IL PROIBIZIONISMO SULLE DROGHE E' UN CRIMINE”.
url : http://coranet.radicalparty.org/pressreleases/press_release.php?func=detail&par=5211
Crew 2000
An Edinburgh based group of young people, club goers and others committed to giving accurate credible information to young people about drugs and related issues. Site information includes sections on drugs and driving, women and drug use.
url : http://www.crew2000.co.uk
Danish Drug User Union
The need and rights of drug users.
url : http://www.brugerforeningen.dk/
Early Break Drugs Project
Operates in the Bury and Rochdale area providing information, counselling and support for those aged 18 and under: the site gives details of the service.
url : http://www.earlybreak.co.uk/
The primary purpose of ELISAD is to enable those working in the field of alcohol and other drugs and facing common challenges to exchange ideas and experience and, through networking and interaction with each other, to improve their knowledge, skills and performances.
url : http://www.elisad.eu/
È un ente privato a livello Europeo senza scopo di lucro che raggruppa associazioni di professionisti che si occupano delle tossicodipendenze.
url : http://www.erit.org
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Primo Piano Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri |
- Principi generali della posizione italiana contro l’uso di droghe ( IT, EN)
- Accordo di collaborazione scientifica Italia-USA ( IT, EN)
- Dichiarazione DPA collaborazioni scientifiche internazionali ( IT, EN)
Oggi i giornali parlano di droga |