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risultati: 131 - pag. 10 / 17
Family violence and substance abuse (1993)
DESCRIZIONE: The goal of this fact sheet is to provide some basic ideas for understanding the connection between family violence and substance abuse.
FONTE: Health Canada vai al sito della fonte

Links between substance abuse and mental health
DESCRIZIONE: Exploring the Links between Substance use and Mental Health…..
FONTE: Health Canada vai al sito della fonte

Canada's Drug Strategy (1998)
DESCRIZIONE: Canada’s drug strategy reflects a balance between reducing the supply of drugs and reducing the demand for drugs….
FONTE: Health Canada vai al sito della fonte

When You Choose To Quit Smoking
DESCRIZIONE: This guide presents the pros and the cons of different treatments. In it we provide information that will help you decide which treatment best fits your situation.
FONTE: American Psychiatric Association vai al sito della fonte

Delirium: A Patient and Family Guide
DESCRIZIONE: Delirium is a condition that develops quickly (usually over hours or days) and involves changes in consciousness, attention, cognition (thinking and reasoning), and perception.
FONTE: American Psychiatric Association vai al sito della fonte

Major Depressive Disorder: A Patient and Family Guide
DESCRIZIONE: Major depressive disorder, also referred to here as depression, is a serious medical illness that disrupts a person’s mood, behavior, thought processes, and physical health.
FONTE: American Psychiatric Association vai al sito della fonte

Treating Schizophrenia: A Quick Reference Guide for Psychiatrists (1997)
DESCRIZIONE: …..is a summary and synopsis of the American Psychiatric Association’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia,….
FONTE: American Psychiatric Association vai al sito della fonte

Treating Delerium: A Quick Reference Guide for Psychiatrists (1997)
DESCRIZIONE: …..is a summary and synopsis of the American Psychiatric Association’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Delirium,….
FONTE: American Psychiatric Association vai al sito della fonte

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Primo Piano

Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

- Prevention Strategy and Policy Makers (IT, EN, FRA, ESP, ARAB, RUS)
- Principi generali della posizione italiana contro l’uso di droghe (IT, EN)
- Accordo di collaborazione scientifica Italia-USA (IT, EN)
- Dichiarazione DPA collaborazioni scientifiche internazionali (IT, EN)

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- Alcohol and drug terms - WHO
- Terminology & information - UNODC


Oggi i giornali parlano di droga

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