NOTIZIE E COMUNICAZIONI - Approfondimento notizia |
27-07-2006 Nicotina: un nuovo farmaco speriemntale per smettere di fumare
Fonte: Journal of the American Medical Association
invia articolo
Uno studio pubblicato sul Journal of the American Medical Association dimostra che la vareniclina può aiutare i dipendenti da nicotina a smettere di fumare. Lo studio riporta che il 43,9% dei pazienti che hanno assunto il farmaco promosso commercialmente da Pfizer questo mese, hanno smesso di fumare nell'arco di 12 settimane, mentre i risultati ottenuti con bupropione sono inferiori (29,8%).
Il testo dello studio:
New research shows that the smoking-cessation drug varenicline may help certain smokers quit, although some say the findings are tempered by the fact that most of the researchers have financial relationships with drug maker Pfizer. The Wall Street Journal reported that Pfizer is planning to start marketing varenicline this month under the brand name Chantix. Three new studies have found that users of the drug were more likely to successfully quit smoking, but the findings were limited by the
fact that people with depression, alcohol or other drug dependence, and diabetes were excluded from the study. A study from the University of Wisconsin found that 43.9 percent of Chantix patients were able to quit smoking by the latter third of a 12-week study period, compared to 29.8 percent taking bupropion (Zyban or Wellbutrin) and 17.6 percent of those taking a placebo. Other research found that about 10 percent more Chantix patients remained abstinent after a year compared to a placebo group. Critics noted that the majority of researchers involved in the study took consulting fees, honoraria, or research grants from Pfizer, but the researchers involved said the studies were all peer-reviewed. The studies were published in the July 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. |
Redattore: Staff Dronet
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